ACM Gabon Gold Mining Mon, 09 Dec 2024 13:07:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Gabon inaugurates historic gold refinery with ACM Fri, 16 Jun 2023 19:16:45 +0000

The Gabonese Gold Refinery (ROG), the first gold processing plant in Gabon, has come on stream, as the oil producing country pushes for a more diversified economy.

With a refining capacity of 7 to 10 tonnes of gold per year, the plant is a joint venture between the state-owned Equatorial Mining Company (SEM) and Alpha Centauri Mining (ACM), a company held by British and Emirati investors. Currently, total national gold production is estimated at around 2 tonnes.

It symbolizes the metamorphosis of our economy towards more diversification, job creation and local added value through the on-site processing of our raw materials. Ali Bonga, Ex- President

Last year, the Government of Gabon signed convention agreements with Alpha Centauri Mining (ACM) to boost gold exploration, exploitation and refining in the country. The company entered Gabon in 2016.

The agreements set the framework for the commissioning and operation of the country’s first gold refinery.

Mining for growth and development

The commissioned refinery forms parts of efforts to develop Gabon’s gold potential as it seeks to expand an economy largely dependent on oil. The Central African nation is already one of the world’s top manganese producer and exporter but wants to develop additional minerals found in its soil.

In a bid to attract investors and support local content development in the mining industry, Gabon adopted a new code for the sector in 2019.

Earlier this year, minister for investment promotion and public-private partnerships Hugues Mbadinga Madiya echoed the government’s efforts to curb the export of raw materials as a means to improve higher value-added trade.

“The general policy of the Gabon government is not to export raw materials,” Mbadinga Madiya told newsmen on the sidelines of the Africa Investments Forum & Awards in Paris in February. “The model of supplying raw materials does not create jobs.”

1500 school kits offered by ACM to students in Ndjole Mon, 12 Sep 2022 10:47:45 +0000

Active in gold mining in the Moyen-Ogooué province, the mining company Alpha Centauri Mining SA (ACM) has once again demonstrated that it is a civic-minded company. Indeed, this Friday, September 9, 2022, 1,500 school kits were given to pre-primary and primary school students in establishments listed in Ndjolé, in the presence of local officials.

Alpha Centauri Mining is run by a person who is driven by a vision of sharing, and who never ceases to demonstrate it. Serge Simo

This donation, comprising 1,500 school kits representing a total of 9,500 notebooks, 1,500 backpacks, 14,400 pieces of teaching materials (pens, geometric kits, water bottles, slate pencil cases) is intended for learners from the various pre-primary and primary schools in the locality enrolled from the 1st to the 5th year.

A solidarity action aimed at young people that did not leave Bregeat Davidson Nkouba Maganga, head of the Ndjolé educational base, indifferent, who wanted to express his deep gratitude to the economic operator. ” Providing school kits for an entire commune like Ndjolé is never an easy task. A real sigh of relief for families. On behalf of the populations and learners, I can only thank them ,” he said. Words supported by the elected official of the commune of Ndjolé.

With this umpteenth gesture, the mining company is becoming more of a civic-minded company. And this is all the more so since this is not its first action for the well-being of the populations of the Abanga-Bigné department. In the field of health, we can count the opening of an infirmary in 2019 for the benefit of the populations of the left bank, as well as numerous donations of medicines and equipment that were made for the operation of the Ndjolé hospital center, particularly in 2020 during the Covid period as well as in this year 2022.

Gabon/Exploitation des mines d’or: 7 conventions signées entre l’Etat gabonais et ACM Tue, 22 Feb 2022 20:19:59 +0000

L’Etat gabonais, représenté par les ministres des Mines et de l’Economie, et la société Alpha Centauri Mining SA, majoritairement aux capitaux émiratis et londoniens, ont signé ce mardi 22 février à l’immeuble Arambo (siège du ministère gabonais de l’Economie), sept (7) conventions d’exploitation des mines d’or à petite échelle. Il s’agit
pour les deux parties d’arrimer les contrats à la loi minière révisée en 2019.

«Ces conventions permettent de revisiter les taxes et redevances en vue de d’accroître la part que le secteur minier doit apporter au budget de l’Etat», a laissé entendre le ministre de l’Economie et de la Relance, Nicole Janine Lydie Roboty-Mbou, avant d’ajouter que ce secteurdans son ensemble «a encore beaucoup de potentialités pour accroître sa contribution au produit intérieur brut».

L’Administrateur général d’Alpha Centauri Mining SA, Anand Bajla, a pour sa part, annoncé la construction courant 2022 d’une usine de raffinage d’or dans la zone économique de Nkok. Cette raffinerie d’or, la première en Afrique centrale, devrait être opérationnelle avant la fin de l’année. «Il s’agit là également de la mise en œuvre d’une autre exigence du président de la République qui veut que nos matières premières soient transformées localement avant exportation. Cela leur confère une valeur ajoutée et constitue une source d’emplois pour nos compatriotes», a indiqué le ministre des Mines non sans saluer l’initiative.

Titulaire de sept (7) permis d’exploitation de mines d’Or à petite échelle valides, et deux (2) permis de recherche d’Or, situés dans les provinces du Moyen-Ogooué et de l’Ogooué-Ivindo, la société Alpha Centauri, qui a commencé avec une production de 28,21 kg d’or en 2017, a produit environ 700 kg d’or en 2021. Elle emploie 160 personnes dont 92% des nationaux.

